A friendly running club in Kidlington, Oxfordshire
From Kidlington
At the “Sainsbury’s” roundabout take the right (3rd) exit, signposted A34 and “Stratfield Brake Sports Ground”.
Follow the dual carriageway (Frieze Way) to the roundabout.
At the roundabout turn back on yourself by taking the 3rd exit.
Continue along the dual carriageway taking the first turn to the left, which takes you into the car-park.
From M40 (north)
At Exit 9, take A34 south to Oxford/Woodstock exit (follow signs to Blenheim Palace).
Take A44 north for quarter of a mile and then take second exit at roundabout to Kidlington into Frieze Way signposted “Stratfield Brake Sports Ground”.
Continue along the dual carriageway taking the first turn to the left, which takes you into the car-park.
From A34 (south)
Pass Oxford and take A44 exit (to Woodstock).
Proceed as above.
From A40 (east or west)
Follow signs to A44 (Woodstock). . About half a mile after leaving the A40, there is a large roundabout under the A34.