On Tuesday 8th January, Kerry Newell came to Stratfield Brake to take a coaching session. There was general excitement at the prospect of an England Athletics Coach coming to train with us, and we had a really good turnout (30 KRAC-ites) on what was a relatively nice evening (especially for January!)

Warming Up!

We started with a thorough warm up with 20 minutes of varied warm ups, then she outlined some fundamentals, for example running without focusing on your watch (focus on form instead), running below you not in front of yourself, and using your arms more to help drive your running. Kerry then invited all the runners to run pyramids (3-4-5-4-3 at threshold pace (approximately where you can only say 3 words at one time)) around the floodlit rugby pitches. She stopped us individually and as a group from time to time to give us technique tips, and ideas for improving our form.

One KRAC member divulged what Kerry had asked her to focus on, which was to try and do sessions with more mixed speed to get faster. Another member was told to run with their head up higher as though they were balancing a balloon on it.

After this we went for a run around Kidlington which Kerry took helping us focus on some fundamental running techniques.

The session was a massive success with several members posting on social media:

” Great nights training with Kerry Newell from England Athletics, thanks to all KRACITES who turned up in numbers to enjoy the session”

Mike S.

“Echo that, it was really good, thank you”

Thalia C.

The next KRAC coaching session with Kerry is Tuesday 5th February 6.30pm at Stratfield Brake – see you there…

Club Coaching Session Goes Down A Storm!
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